The Farm Takes Shape

It has been a busy spring of getting the flower farm set up and ready to go. Slowly things are looking the way I had envisioned them and also in ways I had not.

The sod is gone from the south half of the field. The soil has been tilled and now it only awaits for beds to be shaped to be planted in.

The low tunnels are protecting the lisianthus and catching the suns light. The north west section of the field is now planted in flowers like dianthus, snapdragons, scabiosa, and a few others. Next I will plant the north east section to fill it in with fragrant greenery. Then I will work on the south field that has been freshly tilled so I can plant the dahlias, cosmos, and zinnias.

And while I work I listen to the red-winged blackbirds trill to one another. I watch the worms push through the soil leaving pathways for water and air behind them. I am amazed at the amount of worms out here. It is reassuring to see their casings deposited around the flowers I have planted.

I have been getting to know this farm as she shows me that what I plant here can thrive with the right care.