Join Me for a Harvest

Recently my youngest daughter asked me what it is I like best about farming.

A lot of answers ran through my head; having beautiful flowers at arms length, the feeling of accomplishment that comes with sore muscles and a sweaty brow, or watching the sunset turn the field to gold as I harvest.

But the answer I gave her was, “being able to grow flowers and share them with others.”

Sharing the farm, the flowers, the experience with others is what makes it meaningful.

It is what brings purpose and direction to the farm.

The experience of watching the light turn to gold as the dragonflies whisper through the air and my clippers cut another stem to splash in the bucket of cool water at my feet, is a unique experience that gives me a feeling of such joy, tranquil, and fullness.

It is an experience that makes my heart swell and my shoulders relax and I take in a deeper breath.

This experience is meant to be shared and I want to share this experience with you.

Your Flower Farmer,
