The Feeling of Spring

The first day of spring has finally arrived. It may not look like it on my farm that still has easily a foot of snow. But it has. 

The snow is melting quickly and the robins have returned. The sandhill cranes have also announced themselves with their call echoing off the mountains.

There are more and more mud spots around the neighborhood and the dark-eyed juncos have started hopping out of the shrubs and into the sun.

Spring is here and the farm is ready to get to work.

I have a dozen trays of anemone and ranunculus ready to be planted into the tunnel next week. I’m so excited to see their happy flowers again this summer.

I imagine the 5,000 daffodils I planted last fall are just as eager as me to start sprouting once the snow is gone.

The new dahlia tubers should be arriving any day now and then a few more weeks I’ll be picking up 52 trays of cold hardy seedlings from the nursery. 

There is an energy in the air that is enlivening. It feels like my limbs are just starting to stretch out again and I can feel my blood pumping like fresh snow melt carving its way down a dirt road.

We may have a delayed start to the season, but once it does start, the farm and I will be ready to go.

Your Flower Farmer,
