Ready for the Season

The snow has melted, the daffodils have emerged, the larkspur is sprouting, and my boots and jeans are full of mud again. The growing season is here. 

As I write that out I can’t help but let out a big exhale. I have been waiting for what feels like an especially long time to be able to plant. 

But the farm is finally ready for another growing season. I am finally ready for another growing season.

It feels so good to get my hands into the soil, watch the worms move away as I push seeds or seedlings in, and imagine what the field will look like in only a few short weeks. 

One of the seeds I planted yesterday was saponaria, a small branching flower that I trialed last year. I love its movement and its airy nature. It is a flower that makes me think of children dancing.

I can’t wait to see it again this year, to see those soft pink and white petals dance in the bouquets. 

Most plants have a known “days to maturity” where I can estimate when they will be blooming based on when I planted them. This is pretty exciting to me. And so the first harvest of saponaria should take place the first week of the Flower Share. Knowing that feels like a burst of energy that I can barely contain.

As the growing season gets underway there is a lot to do. But soon what is in my imagination will be in the field and the flowers will be abundant. 

I am so eager to share this season's flowers with you, if either for your special events or for your every day made special. This season will bring so much beauty and inspiration.

Your Flower Farmer,
