The Best Version of Them

Mother’s Day is approaching and I can’t help but be reminded of something I heard once at a farming conference. I heard someone say that a farm is like a child and the farmer a parent. That it is our job as the farmer/parent to help the farm/child to become their best selves. Not a version of us, though that may happen, but their best selves. 

The best version of them. 

It is easy to draw parallels between parenting and farming, to connect metaphors of growth, weeds, and influence. I can not control who my children will be, nor my farm. I can only help them along the way to become who they are meant to be.

And when I look at parenting with this perspective when I struggle with the new challenge for the week or am overcome with joy for their successes, it is easier to be the best version of myself for them.

Being a mother is an amazing and challenging and heart wrenching job that takes so much from you while also giving you so much in return.

We are filled with joy over their growth and milestones, but also tears when we realize they will never be that little again. 

When they master a new skill we are relieved they wont need our help with it anymore. And then we are sad that they won't ask for our help with it anymore. 

We do our best to take away obstacles while also letting them struggle when they must. 

They will grow and change and try on new personalities and perspectives to find the one that feels complete. And with our help they will become who they are meant to become. 

It is the job of the farmer to help the farm become its best self. 

It is our job as parents to help our children become their best selves. 

Next week is Mother’s Day and from one mother to another, I hope you know you are cherished and valued and deeply loved. I hope you feel celebrated this Mother’s Day.

And if you’re still looking for the right gift to give a mother in your life, I have opened up more spaces in this year’s Flower Share. Give a gift that is a reminder all season long of your love and appreciation.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Your Flower Farmer,
